Single and Pairwise Mutations and Their Impact on SARS-CoV-2 Proteins

Let me break down a fascinating project I participated in this past quarter!
Genetically Engineering Yeast to Bioluminescence: Overview of steps

A high level overview the equipment and materials required to perform this experiment.
Genetically Engineering Yeast to Bioluminescence: Introduction

Over the coming months, I will set out on an exploration of bioinformatics and genetic engineering, with the end goal of making glow in the dark yeast.
Quantum Katas #3: Measurement

Using the third quantum kata, we explore qubit measurement and how to implement it in our quantum algorithms. Cover by Kurzgesagt
Quantum Katas #2: Superposition

The second set of quantum katas takes a closer look at quantum superposition and how to leverage it in our code. Cover by Kurzgesagt
Quantum Katas #1: Basic Quantum Gates

Here I will use Microsoft’s Quantum Katas tutorial to introduce some fundamental topics in quantum computing and the Q# language. Cover by Kurzgesagt